Thursday, June 12, 2008

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

All my life I have wanted to learn how to make bread. At our Relief Society's recipe of the month this week we learned how to make cinnamon rolls. I am sure I annoyed everyone with all my questions since I was the only sister there who had really never successfully made bread. Needless to say that I didn't let that small detail keep me from learning! Tonight I made my very first batch of cinnamon rolls and I am so very excited! I am so proud of them. I wanted to take pictures to show everyone. I think I rolled the dough to thin but lots of practice will make perfect!


Renee and Jake said...

Yummy, send the recipe. Jake loves cinnamon rolls. I am glad that you are actively involved. I think sometimes it can be a challenge to go to RS events, at least form me anyway but I still try to go to be supportive. I love you and miss you.

Kara said...

yes please. i'll take some

Scottie said...

oh, no! Suddenly I realize I am hungry and I don't have time for cinnamon rolls before work! Doh!